Cultured Marble vs Real Marble
Cultured marble and real marble sound the same but they are two completely different things. Each one is created differently. The only real similarity is that they both have marble in their name.
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Natural Stone – Fissures vs Cracks
Natural stone, granite, marble, quartzite, etc., is made by, well, nature. Man has nothing to do with it. But it can have natural, unique occurrences in it called fissures. Here we will explore the differences between fissures and cracks and help you know what to do about them.
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Why is Caulk So Important in Your Kitchen?
One of the biggest investments in a home is the kitchen. And yet, one of the smallest and easiest things to fix can be the cause of costly damage. You need to fix those cracks and gaps in your kitchen caulk.
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Staining vs Etching
Two very common discolorations that can happen to natural stone are staining and etching. They are two completely different things, and the restoration processes for each one are different.
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Refinishing Stone
When homeowners want their stone restoration technician to change the appearance of their stone in some way, the task may or may not be possible to accomplish, and in some circumstances, it may be inadvisable. This article provides some clarity on the scope of possibilities.
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Ingestible Countertop Material?
Most people are familiar with the idea that marble is used for floors, countertops, and the like. In this article, you'll discover that marble has many other uses, some of them ingestible!
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How to Remove Ring-Shaped Marks on Marble
People commonly ask, "What causes ring-shaped marks and white spots on marble?" "Is there a product I can use to get rid of this type of stain?" and "Is there a sealer I can apply to restore the shine and prevent this problem?" Let's unpack these concepts.
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